The Adventures of Princess and Goose is a fun new children’s fantasy series that chronicles the exploits of a band of friends from the beautiful Crystal City.
In this first story, Chase Away the Dragons, readers meet the young hero, Queen Isabella, as she joins with two brave adventure-seeking dogs, Princess and Goose, to stop an invading dragon army. These heroes join forces for the first time, devise a plan to overcome the dragons, and put their plan into motion.
I came up with the idea for his series about two years ago. Our son Logan, whom you’ll meet in the second story in the series, mentioned one afternoon that he was afraid of monsters. “Don’t worry about monsters,” I assured him. “Chloe and Tiny chased all the monsters away. That’s why we don’t have any monsters around here.” Logan, three years old at the time, wanted to know more about how Chloe and Tiny chased away the monsters. After making up different variations of the story over the next few weeks, I changed “monsters” to “dragons,” gave Chloe the character name of “Princess,” and Tiny the character name of “Goose.” I went through several drafts of the story over the next few weeks.
But that wasn’t the end of my work related to the first book. Not even close. Future articles will talk more about my publishing journey.
Shown below: three photos of the real Chloe and Tiny hanging out; rough page layout for Princess and Goose Book 1: Chase Away the Dragons; and character designs for Princess and Goose.