The Adventures of Princess and Goose Book 1: Chase Away the Dragons is available at Barnes & Noble and Walmart, plus available digitally on Kindle, Nook, Apple Books, and Kobo. Unfortunately, I’m still trying to figure out why Amazon isn’t sending out the paperback. But while I work on that, I’m also hard at work promoting Book 1 and making good progress on The Adventures of Princess and Goose Book 2: Sir Logan and the Witches.
I’ve already approved the preliminary layouts for Book 2. This step includes rough sketches for all the pages with the text overlaid to get a better idea of placement and flow. Tony does these sketches on a special page template so we know where we can safely include artwork that won’t get cutoff during the printing process.
Page 2 and Page 5 below are two of my favorite pages. I think these two pages show some progression and maturation in the writing, artwork, and layout of Book 2 compared to Book 1. Book 2 will be a little longer (in terms of text and pages) and include a more varied text layout.
I hope you enjoy these pages. As always, I’ve love to hear feedback on Book 1 – both positive and constructive. Thanks for your ongoing support!