I’d like to thank everyone for supporting my book. I’m starting to track my book online to see where it pops up and how it’s doing. The first surprise since the launch was to see it show up for sale on Barnes and Noble. It’s too early to know if the book will be sold in the stores. It will likely be sold online as print on demand (POD). Amazon will likely use POD as well to fulfill orders of the paperback. The Amazon Kindle version is available, and I’m waiting for the ebook to get picked up by a few other sites.
I continue to look for the book online to see where it shows up. One of my searches brought up the new releases section on Amazon, where I was in 27th place in Children’s Pet Books New Releases. I won’t have any sales figures for more than a month, so it’s hard to know what 27th place in that category really means.
If you’re so inclined, please share the link to the book on Facebook and other social media. If you bought a copy (thanks again!), please leave a review after it arrives and let me know if you have any constructive comments for the next book. The Adventures of Princess and Goose Book 2: Sir Logan and the Witches is already underway.